The characters of Commedia dell’Arte belong to a complex and centuries-old tradition of European theater. They are the physical archetypal masks representing a fecund creative and expressive wellspring and which stimulate the conscious perception of lucid patterns of movement. For this reason it is also possible to use them as tools in a therapeutic context. The practice of commedia dell’arte has long been applied by actors, dancers and curious people of all sorts to expand their expressive repertoire.
Commedia dell’Arte
Masks, Postures, Movements

Our inner posture, conflicts and visions influence our actions. Through somatic and sensorial techniques, role-play and improvisation we are able to observe, recognize and redefine the obstacles and resources of each figure. The seminars are composed of both theoretical and practical elements. In order to participate it is necessary to arrive with a desire for playfulness and a willingness to engage in self-analysis.
Thesis 2009 bei Tanztherapie Zentrum Berlin:
> Read the Thesis "Commedia dell'arte" in german

Workshops by VHS Berlin
Workshops can be booked through the VHS – individual work at any time
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