Dance Movement Therapy is an integrative form of psychotherapy based in movement rather than language. DMT offers stability, improves personal expression and supports those who practice it in critical stages of life. Dance therapy conveys strength, orientation and self-confidence. It activates and expands bodily awareness and the capacity for communication. Improvisation, elements of martial arts, relaxation techniques, games and diverse forms of dance accompany the process towards psychophysical well-being.
Integrative Therapy
Gestalt-, Dance- and Movement Therapy

[Installation: Chiharu Shiota]
Gestalt therapy is a branch of humanistic psychology and is oriented towards an experiential process that incorporates the lived affects of the body. The exercises and techniques employed aim at the coherent integration of thoughts and emotions, thus making the patterns of behavior observable and conscious. With the transparent support of the therapist, the patient exercises their perception and develops self-awareness and responsibility for their own actions. Movement, physical expression and dance compose the methods for transformation and personal development.
I offer upon request integrative therapy sessions for individuals and groups.

Groups in German
Im Herbst (September bis Dezember) und Frühling (April bis Juni) findet die Gruppe für Tanztherapie, integrative Körpertherapie statt. Gespräche und Beratung sind ab sofort möglich.
Ziele: bewusste und wertschätzende Wahrnehmung des eigenes Körpers, Stabilisierung, Flexibilität, Kommunikation und Kontakt mit dir selbst und den anderen
Setting: eine kleine Gruppe, die einen schützenden und vertrauensvollen Raum für Einzelthemen ermöglicht
Für wen: alle, die zur eigenen Entwicklung bereit sind. Menschen mit psychosomatischen Beschwerden sind willkommen
Preis: Ein Termin 40 € – 8 Terminen 280 €